Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Digital Ice Cream

Do not let the name fool you. This website does not have to do anything with ice cream. It is the website of Justin Hollerich, a very young and creative photographer that loves the digital medium. You can find his very beautiful and artistic photo of this artist on his web site. The images are under three categories: people, automobiles, and various. The website is growing and so far does not have so many images, but it has a blog for the images that are not on the website and the artist’s words which need to get out. The artist himself asserted that he has chosen this name for his website because the name stands out and is very easy to remember and it works much better than any visiting card and besides who doesn’t like ice cream. He is right; I found the website because of its funny name and the fact that I love ice cream. In addition to having a good time browsing through some beautiful images, I learned that creativity is a must in the art and in the advertising of the art. Take a look for yourself:

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