Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Digital Photo Frames

Plain old picture frames are so last century. After all, they don't do much more than show off one shot. Digital photo frames, on the other hand, let you create slideshows with cool transitions to display all of your vacation pictures. Some of these handy devices integrate video, audio, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a host of other features, too. But you need to know what to look for. Some of the picture frames have fancy features like full Web browsers, streaming Internet radio, and text news feeds. Those features also add complicated menu options that may be confusing to novice users. And people on your gift list may just want to see their photos and little else, so it may be best to stay away if you don't think you or the person receiving the frame will take advantage of the wireless features. So first of all consider the User if you have plan to give the frame as a gift to your grand mother don’t buy a digital frame with tons of fancy features. Don’t Buy Based on Brand Name Alone; some frames with not very known companies are much better than very well known brand names. Never Settle for Resolution Below 640 by 480 Pixels—Regardless of Price. This frame's resolution of 480 by 234 pixels is too low to display details, so most of its images look boxy and pixilated—no bargain! Consider only frames with a resolution of 640-by-480 or higher. Unless you want to watch your baby’s face pixilated.

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