Thursday, December 17, 2009

Home Buying in the New Area

Have you ever thought that how was home buying like twenty years ago? Now a day you will contact a realtor or yourself sign in one of the websites. If you have a realtor, he/she will send you hundreds of links according to your criteria, where you want the location, how many bedroom, bathroom, … even if you are using the website you will have the option to narrow down whatever you want and then you will be there with tons of pictures, virtual tours, online descriptions, and even the Google map of the house to show you the neighborhood. In this way you may visit many houses without even leaving your chair and then if and only if any of them appeals to you, you may visit that in person. Just compare this to pre-digital era or even many other countries!!! You must contact several realtors because none of them has access to all the listing! Then you have to visit any house that you think might be close to your criteria and it may mean visiting hundreds of houses without even finding the one. Maybe it sounds strange and silly and unbelievable, but the use of digital technology, especially the media made it possible for us to sit in our chairs and buy and sell even expensive stuff like houses.

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