Wednesday, October 28, 2009

After logging to the main web page of informatics school and by log to the one start and then use the user name and the password we can get through the one start main page and there by clicking on the service tab on the left top of the page we can get to the other page that pass us through software and hardware page and then will pull up the IU Ware page by clicking on the IU Ware link we can access to the main page of soft ware that we can download it for free, but I did not write just for this , it is about first option on that page which is Lynda software school. This is a wonderful school for all the software in the world, you can name any it will be there and all for free. As a media art and science student I think it is a one-time opportunity that we all have to use it. Even though there are training over Mac and windows operating system, training over the Google engine search or flickr!! You can scroll down the first page and there are all the soft wares and it will take hours to just read all of them. Lynda training library, which is free to use at least for this semester for new media students is a private online training school for all the individuals that are interested to learn any software, their have a monthly, annually, premium and school and businesses membership. Their monthly charges without accessing to the online exercises training will be 25.00 $, their annual charges again no access to the exercises files would be 250.00 $ and their premium with access to the online exercises files would be 375.00 $. So for example we as a new media student can get to their web site and search under the software for the power point for example and then choose between the Mac or Windows, so as I am a Mac user I will choose the Mac:

Then are some options for me to take as you can see on the picture below:

Then I will choose the Power Point 2008 for Mac Essential Training, which in front of that shows the time of the training at total by hour and minute, and then after click over that link we will go to the other page which is main page for Power Point training:

And then there we go lots of fun stuff, it is a long list though and I have just part of it here on the picture, enjoy it. Tell you what I was little bit confuse about animation making by power point but this one helped me too much and I just listen to 20 minutes of training related to the animated Power Point presentation. One of the great feature that there is for student is each subject is separated with others and we can go directly to the subject that we need and don’t need to listen to whole Power Point training if we do not want to. So take advantage of it and enjoy it , there are lots of funs and education.

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